Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Windsurfing on saturday morning, 7-12am~. And something really touched my heart!
As usual, i usually never eat my breakfast before coming to Scouts. Out of the blue , Mr Lim poped up the question to me whether i've eatten, i said havent yet. TO MY SURPRISE, he gave me his breakfast to eat!! ( for free of cause )
If you were me, what would you feel? very touched hor.. thanks MR LIM!! all hail the LIM family!
Later in the afternoon, went to home to get my skates and books then heed to parkway library to meet rachel, studied for 2 hours .After that, we Strap on our skates and went flying to east coast rink. HOLY SHIT, i went high in ECP, skated non-stop, learn new tricks from the famous longwen and "brewing coffee WITH RAY!",fell more than 50 times(yes,i'm very sure)
8pm+ , went to esplanade with keehong's car to slalom. FROM there onwards , i went into a freaking 'falling-down' spree till this happen...................

FUCK LOR! my $10 belt BROKE because i fell too many times.Useless piece of junk
Came back home bout 12am + , chat on the phone with her till i went alseep lolx.. sry dear =.=
Life is so fun and vivacious~