Friday, March 31, 2006
am i going nuts or what.
I'm only listening to 3 songs only for three continuously days.
WOW Worship - Shout to the Lord
Fort Minor- Where'd You Go
Micheal Jackson - Black or White
Strange but yah =/
Kinda describe the emotions and feelings that i'm facing currently.
i Slalomed @ 6:39 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Hiaz =/
guess i'm probably getting my seba !
i Slalomed @ 4:24 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
a badbad week for me. =)
Just this afternoon, i went for a new hairstyle and SOLD MY FSK Skates. Yup, my FSK, The one that is 70% of my time beside me =)
Am now still looking around for skates ! haiz... i kinda miss my skate lor, sold it for $110 ONLY zzzz it worth MUCH more !
OMG, i forget to take a last pic of my 1st wife !! Sheesh!!!
i Slalomed @ 7:26 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Other than my previous trips to Malaysia specially for RAMLY burgers , i was bored at home ><
And sheesh , other than studying, i spend my time sleeping at home sia...
I want to skate !! but i'm in the process of buying a new skate =)
My fsk wearing out liao :( too big for me!!
One of the things i made out of my boredom.

MILO MONSTER !!!!!!! =D yumyum! hahaha
i Slalomed @ 7:19 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Family !?
Sheesh.. Being from a Single-Parent family sure sucks. Both mentally and money-wise.
Now to worsen this situation of mine, shes out of job and sleeping at home for 1 week now. Everytime she wakes up, shes either drunk or calling up her friends and braggin at nothing.
I REALLY don't understand her, i tried to talk to her, is it any use? HELL NO!
Sometimes i watch malay family outings at ECP and boy, i sure admire them. A never ending dream.
Someone please tell me what to do with her.
All i want is a simple yet FUN life.
- A car on my own!
- A 4 room flat.
- Lots of friends~!
- A stable job.
- Healthy body.
- A lovely wife.
The only thing that keeps me going is my friends, my bro~, my dear FSK and ipod =D
going to skate liao!! fedup,stressed,worried and GOOD GAME =D
i Slalomed @ 5:47 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
School is getting fuked up! Teachers going nuts , classmates cant be borthered to do homework.

Could it be my long lost younger brother ? O.o
i Slalomed @ 3:33 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
ChongYing owes me 1kg of bagua on my Bday.
Miss Goh owes us(sgskaters) 1kg of bagua on the next Urban trip.
Veron owes me 1kg of bagua on my bday.
SianLin owes me FEW bagua on my bday.
OH HELL!! I cant wait !! WOOOT =d
am i just 1 lucky punk!?!
i need to recover all my slalom skills! its all gone sia, after 1 month of resting .. haiz!
i Slalomed @ 8:35 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
DAY IN Malaysia!
As usual, Merin was late for 1 hour!!!!!! I just don't know when will he ever change his bad habit.Ok, Once we reached msia, we hopped into a taxi fare and told this fat uncle that we wanted to go to Astana. But you know what? I got no idea on how he physco us and he brought us to one shopping centre(for the richs). Ended up paying 8RM per person and $32 in total.Stupidly, we spent 15 mins walking around and WINDOW shopping! and took photo =D
Next Stop, Astana! This time, the crazy taxi driven doesnt want to on the air-con. He say he prefers NATURAL wind. Fuk him man, we are in a jam and he calls this 'natural wind' more like a CO2 paradise!
Once we entered Astana, we literally went into shopping spree! spent like about 2 hours there. bought a few stuff. Lastly, WE ATE PIZZA HUT, it was very cheap, but theres a price to pay.
We ordered 2 big pizzas, 2 jars of coke, free-flow of chicken soup. only for 60RM.
Everyone was SOO drowsy after the 1st pizza, i don't know why man. MUST be something in the drink/soup. !!!
Next stop, CITY SQUARE! the taxi driver was cool =) charge us only 9RM, which is quite cheap as it was a long way back. i ended up giving 1rm as tips for his good service? :X
Now, we spend almost all of our money here. and Mervin shopped like a lady sia! takes so long just to decide. FUN !!!!!!!

i Slalomed @ 2:47 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
And I though studies was already killing me. To add on the fuking stress, MY HOME IS A PLAYGROUND FOR HER !
Every Wednesday is the offical day for her to get
drunk and wack me with her problems.

Yup, she threw 3 glass mugs at me already. FUK IT ZZZZZZZZZzz
i Slalomed @ 4:45 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Point no4. ?! thats something i WILL never follow. Friends already owes me $400+ !!!!! haiz..
My letter to God.
Dear Emmanuel,
Please allow my left ankle to heal as i'm seriously dying of boredom in my life. Slalom is my life! I'm sitting at home watching videos of skali,sanjun,sebastian,etc, hoping for the one day where I'm able to produce my VERY own video! All of my kakis are happily enjoying themselves in ECP, while i'm sitting at home and ROTTING!
Everything for me is going so bad at the moment, Mum,studies and her! What am i suppose to do man. Flashbacks are too disagreeable to me.
And i offically went out of bagua at home. I have to stock up! =/
i Slalomed @ 9:30 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
In the morning assemble, prize presentation for the cross-country GIRLS. And yes, I was there, thorns among the roses, so can you imagine everyone was looking at me with a weird expression!
“There is 1 guy whom we missed out during the cross-country ranking, here is Elisha Lim coming in 6th for the above 15 boy’s category”
Mr.Chiang effortless shook my hand with an evil grin on his face! ass~
Cheers, its over after 1 month of waiting for my medal!!! =)

In class, STOOPID ong keep playing WWE with me zzzzz, TARD.
FINALLY! The heats for sports day. (BEST DAY IN MY WHOLE SPORTING LIFE!)
I seriously don’t know where to begin. Everything happens so fast during the 5hours.
First Event, 800m.
ALL runners, that’s 25 boys. All top runners in their respective houses. Everyone was so stress!! But crazy ONG and sinyang was like making fun of me! Before they talked to me, my objective was just to be the top 6!
But to my horror! Justin said “U cannot win me de lor! “So my objective changed! hahahaha
we went into our position, “ On your mark, get set, GOOOO “
CRAZY SINYANG WAS PUSHING BESIDE ME AND screamed “ARRR, ELISHA, ARR” He was pushing me, blocking me and at the same time, running!! -_-“than came ONG! He was literally blocking my path lor(in a funny way of cause), not allowing me to overtake him, can you imagine we did that for a full 400m. !!!! I somehow got past ONG and went for the position, 5th. I laughed hysterically after that!
Second Event, 400m.
To our surprise, 3 good pals are in the race!! Joel, Sinyang, ME!
Than we came up with a plan, Jog the whole way, last 100m Sprints, than free for all.
We did that. I came in 1st (by luck I guess) , sinyang2nd, joel 3rd. Everyone was laughing at us lor!! More like clowns -_-‘ but heck, its one hell of a fun time for me! We got scolding from teachers, for wasting their time?!?!
Last event, Kiss-the-birthdayGirl
As some of you have know, its LiWen’s birthday!! Yang,me,ong gave her the moment of her life! First time for her, bday kisses =D
Xin Fu de xiao hai
This concludes my BEST Sporting life in Queenstown. And i found out something, almost all of my school babes can actually run sia!! :P
i Slalomed @ 7:41 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Life is sooooooooo fun !! too much to blog, 1 picture describe it all.

i Slalomed @ 2:29 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
How I wish that I had tell her I loved her so much before she left for a good 5 years.
How I wish that I had treasure her.
How I wish that I had my sister.
How I wish that I had trained alot harder for the crosscountry.
How I wish that I had studied harder for my PSLE.
How I wish that I had studied harder for my Chinese.
How I wish that I had not met that whore.
How I wish that I had not lose contact with my 3 best pals.
How I wish that I had bash up my dad.
How I wish that I had NOT been a ‘loan shark’ to some.
How I wish that I had not worked in BK.
How I wish that I had spent my money wisely.
How I wish that I had not trusted JACK.
How I wish that I had NOT joined DW.
How I wish that I had trained hard for Slalom
How I wish that I had learnt skating when I’m young
How I wish that I had learnt tawando from young
How I wish that I had grown smarter.
How I wish that I had grown handsome
How I wish that I had done ‘that’. =)
This is life itself i guess. I gained maturity and understand of how life work. WILL not look back instead I should look forward!. Everyone had bad days?.
Note: please do not ask me anything about what i have written, personal.
i Slalomed @ 7:10 PM