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Sunday, April 30, 2006

crazy quake sunday !

Gosh.. Another of my weekend is ruin!! I just dont know why I just cant stop playing quake, could it be in my blood? hAhahha !

Heres something that you wanna take note.

INTRODUCING, QUAKE1 !!! yes, its more than two decades ago since this game is created !! but it ROCKS!

This game is …

most hardcore of the hardcorest(dunno got this word anot) !!

moves 100x faster than CS, 20x faster than quake4.
gfx sucks. HEY ! this two decades ago, cant be blamed.

NO aiming like CS, its way more fast paced.

Although I’ve been playing online games for almost all my life now. I find that this game is the hardest to master !!!
Damn, i kinda love my life now :P

here are the pictures.

Quake1 CAN BE DOWNLOADED !!! ( PM me on msn if you wanna play. Believe me, its so damn complicated to install )

And you know why there is like less than 100 people in singapore playing quake ? BECAUSE they cant tahan the fast paced movement. :P

i Slalomed @ 10:30 PM

Saturday, April 29, 2006

hermy bday 'party'

I was supposed to meet Hermy at butkit batok MRT @ 12pm instead I woke up @ 12pm !!!! at least Ah tan was punctual~

We started off with bowling, 2 games ( 2 hours ) all paid by the birthday boy(hermy). Top scorer was him of cause, followed by Maurice the loud banger. Ah tan was busy spinning with his ball, the drain spin! , all the time !
After that followed by arcade, played street fighter with hermy, we play till the whole machine shake sia.. ~


arcade AGAIN @ west mall.

Pool @ jurong east.

POOOL !!!! probably the best part of today! Although it is just one hour, we played like 4 games! Maruice + ah tan VS me + hermy. The whites against the blacks!
For one game, I decided to play 3seconds per turn. Which means candidates have only 3seconds to think and shoot their ball !! Hermy was damn lucky, he shot 2 balls into 1 pocket in like 2secs???
anyway , the blacks win !! >:)

Later on, went to study alone@ somewhere.


PS. is this the first time of this year i've ever spent so much money($16) on me & my friends. but hey, worth while! =/

i Slalomed @ 10:02 PM

Friday, April 28, 2006


Damn. English compo didnt get to finish. I kind of spend too much time on planning.
paper 2 was freaking hard, bombed with jagons.
English oral was screwed.
Miss Choong was the ONE. Guess i'm really that weak, all comments from her is seriously BAD!

below are the question and comments that MISS CHOONG GAVE!.

1st question: Your hair doesnt look presentable.
2nd question: where is your name tag?

.:. Passage reading.
3rd comment: Please read faster next time.
4th comment: Please practise reading aloud next time, guess you didnt have enough practise.

.:. picture description.
5th question: Please answer my question
6th question: comming back to my question, so *bahbahbahabah*( couldnt remember)

6th comment: next time please speak more, don't just give your answers in nice and short sentences. ( that means i answered her question!! but didnt talk much i guess )
7th comment: ( forgotten, but it was bad ! )

SHEESH!!! i need practise. badly. how to achieve my goal of b4 !?

PICTURES while waiting for english oral. ( got more ! =d )

LOOOOOKKK , BAGUA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i Slalomed @ 6:50 PM

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

books books books books.

I havent started revision yet,
exams are just DAYS ahead,
seems to be getting stress on the upcoming exams and not because of studying too much.
No time to slalom due to my freaking coursework.
Today is suppose to be the day that i'll be at esplanade !! ARRR
Could this be a readmill test for me?

Sometimes i wonder, is it worth it being petty about something that doesn't matter in your life?
Could it be childishness(got such word?)?
Is losing a friend worthwhile compared to a damaged property that can be fix?
sheesh, i really don know whats the problem. But, bagua is my desirable lust!

studied with dawn @ night... since this 10 years of friendship with her, i found out that she is DAMN CRAP !!! more crap than crab.
DAWN!! stop bombing answers for bagua's sake. !!!

Anyway, here are the pics that what i did in school =)

Hermy influencing me to tatoo my leg, i rejected. But he freaking draw on it instead !!


How about some NUTS !? ( routine eating tibits in class. )
When i find myself in times of trouble, Mother bagua comes to me!!! let it be....

i Slalomed @ 5:38 PM

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

MONDAY dark blues.

Great, my O level F&N research materials (diskette) has officially crashed on me! Giving me additional crap of stress!
Where got time to play q4 ?
where got time to slalom!?

Where got time to use comp ?
P.S : Im still doing the above.

how the heck are you suppose to do your research in such a short period of time!?
EXAM NEXT WEEK LE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-How I just wish I can take my bagua along east coast park and eat it all by myself. That would be like, SO COOL !

And veron designed this that made me laugh at the middle of the night ._


Exams drawing closer, teachers are stressing us, i cant slalom!, still in the process of doing my F&N coursework which is SUPPOSELY have been done.

And i'm hella glad to recieve this from big boss, kent. today =D
This is ICY COOL SABER, Wind's saber. *limited edition*
Damn rare lor, its really THAT sharp, can cut bagua anytime.

I got another 5 more sets of swords, but i'm not showing off here =/ hahahaha
Am going to frame it up after my examinations! thats for sure.

I finally found the MTV for the song of my life.
This was the song that brings me to tears whenever i think about the tragic incident happened few years back in my life.
The song that i sang, memorise every word, understood every word in the lyrics.
And for you to understand what i'm saying. WATCH THIS VIDEO, hear the lyrics.

White Lion - When the children cry

OH yeah, another MTV. I still remember during my childhood, evertime this song get played, everyone around me would start dancing and i would follow along too!! hahahaha
http://www.youtube.com/?v=bwpHthAonu0 (Sweet Child of Mine)

STUDY FOR YOUR MID YEAR GUYS ! its all work now, for a better future!

PS. that fucktard is copying me! zzzz

i Slalomed @ 2:35 PM

Saturday, April 22, 2006

bagua from her & hiking !

Woke up reluctantly for scouts today, was told to lead the troop for hiking today! Bukit Timah nature reserve of cause, no where else.

We were spilt into 2 groups; Mr. Lim took 3 patrols while I took 2 patrols. During the hike, Miss Wee followed my group. And sheesh, she doesn’t believe me !!!!
Why do I say so? When we were faced by a cross-junction, I ask them to go through the long journey (yellow lane), but Miss Wee had to interfere and ordered us to take the shortest route to the summit. Come on lar, its only less than 30mins and you want to reach the summit already!??!
While Mr. Lim’s group took the path I’ve suggested and they sure were dead tiring of all the walk =D
My group damn slack, we rest 30mins @ the summit, spend 1 hour at the query watching monkeys!! hahahah, here are the pictures.

And yea, A MONKEY WITH A BAG OF POTATO CHIPS !!! thats damn HIP!

All pictures are provided with the courtesy of Mr Chaim's N70.

Back @ home, she called me downstairs and gave me 5 pieces of zestful Barbecued BAGUA !!!!
How good can she get man. THANKS GAL !! =)

i Slalomed @ 3:18 PM

Friday, April 21, 2006



These few days I have been hearing/watching alot of my friends problems! Why is our class that DRAMATIC? Almost everyone is talking behinds people back and stuff. Well, I cant blame them; its in our humans blood!! Nothing has happened to me (maybe because I couldnt be bothered?) but instead my friends are having problems such as friends/relationships/backstabbing and etc.

But hey, I like to stay neutral and enjoy all my happiness to myself =D

School has been really interesting with all the drama in class and slackin teachers.
When I was half asleep during chemistry lesson, this happened out of a sudden !

Mr Lee: What is H20?
Sha : water.
Mr Lee: what does cow drink?
Sha : Milk.

WTF sia !!! Everyone was freaking laughing. SO humiliating at that very moment. And after school, I got shouted by FARHANA. Why? Cause I touch her polished boots. Yes, in front of everyone. How the heck I know its just polished, not like as if I’ve just pee-ed on it or something. GOSH! Spoilt my day completely.

Today during recess, something DRAMATIC happened again -_-'
When we walked up class in a big group of boys, we saw kaya trapping Rebecca in the door. Someone actually shouted that it was Rebeccas birthday and we started to throw empty GREEN-tea bottles, that we keep as collection in our class, into the trapped Rebecca. It was completely chaotic. Everyone(5A & 5B) was throwing in SOMETHING and I joined in the fun :P
This is for sure, 5B Never poured water on her. I can safely justify that.

To everyones horror, when the whole incident is over, Rebecca came out wet and ran to the toilet crying. LOOK AT THE MESS!! AHAHAH

WTH?! It wasn’t her birthday!!!! And gosh, sianlin became totally furious about it and started to blame our class totally. Poor R-er man, got blamed totally. And drama continues…….

Just for your view pleasure, Zhong gui’s yellow blister! the size of a 1/4 pbagua!

Bala's 12 litter hiking school bag. P.S He has no file !

i Slalomed @ 2:23 PM

Monday, April 17, 2006

Monday blues as always~

As usual, I wore my blue shoes to my monday blues day! We only had 2 hours of lessons. sheesh, the rest of the lessons were ruin by teachers enjoying themselves @ home.
During PFT, quite disheartening , My gold medal is ruin because of my standing board jump. Damn it man, I cant jump for nuts, I just cant get pass the freaking 120cm MARK~!
After Recess, Mr mark kong visited us!! He came back from teaching the London kids and showed us the pictures there. Damn kewl !
And everyone in class was commenting about his daughter. " OMG, SO CUTE!!" , "ker ai!", "wahhh so cute "

During my Assembly, I heard and witness a girls fight ! =)
And sheesh, guess what they were quarrelling about. BLOGS !
Well, she deserved it though =/ hahahaha..

i Slalomed @ 6:24 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

sianz, want to skate, but the wheather isnt allowing me to do so!! zzz

I'm getting all these limited edition swords(fungwan) FOR FREE

damn, how fortunate can i get, i've been dreaming of these for a very long time man.

i Slalomed @ 5:26 PM

Saturday, April 15, 2006

crazy weekends!

okok, lets start with Thusday~!!! hahaha.. after sports day, i finally bought my long-waited SEBA! YEAYEA! 3 painfully weeks, not able to skate, not able to slalom, save money, sell off items. Now i'm able to enjoy man!! hahahaha.
Take a look at my new wife. MY LOVE BIRD! i'll be spending everyday with her for sure ^^

After i bought my skates, went to esplanade to skate awhile and try out. PAIN guess i'll just need to get use to it.! =/
Later in the night, went to JB and eat maggi goreng. sedup! when comming back to sg, we got caught in the customs sia!! the reason; Me wearing a drug T-shit.
Yes, i was wearing addisah(a drug) T-shirt, i didnt know its illegel to wear sia! the Sir says i'm promoting the drug! CRAP! ifs its illegel, why the hell is it selling in cinileisure. My brother's car got checked, every inch. Lucky they didnt caught us for the chewing gum we buy =/

A extremely boring afternoon i have! lucky yang,R-er man all didnt come sia >< time =")">
cheers for them =D
GOOD FRY DAY eveyone ~

i Slalomed @ 12:11 PM

Thursday, April 13, 2006

SPORTS DAY~!!!!! Muhahaha

Introducing, the Champsions. For the first time out of five years!

Anyway, As for my event , we ran our 4x400m in the rain! Everything was soo good at start, When i'm waiting for my turn, i told karma to take over as he could set the distance apart from the 2nd runner while i just want to run slow and steady to take over the win =)!! *smart move eh?* 1st ! yay!

I love the see everyone faces pushing the huge big ballon ball, i dun wanna talk much, let the pictures do the talking !! hahahahahah..( notice stoopid ong )
dundEE POWER !!!!!i got pictures of Rachel running her 100m, Lam running his 100m and xy running his 100m.
let me know if you need them =)

Anothing thing i noticed during sports day, there is ALOT of daydreams and unspotted untalented dancers !! HAHAHHAHAH, as usual, there is pics n VIDeo to prove my point.

AND stoopid indian dancing to my humps by BEP, in fornt of the stadium! she turned around, she dare to even said " take pretty gal photo is it " SHEESH!
The video;
CHECK IT OUT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au6y7LQzNWs

Event was screwed as usual, they gave me the wrong medal, didnt give the right winners the medals. but everything was settle after the event. gosh.
Ending this post by the gangster of class4F '05

i Slalomed @ 12:36 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006

Started the day with a bad start !

Woke up about 6am, burned our IFD dance song. blame it on the ramly! hahaha. First event on my timetable is mr froggie's maths, for the first time, he didnt sent anyone out of the class ( or even mention it ) !
NEXT!! P.E ! everyone was support jeffery(running with him and encouraging him). The first round was kinda strong, till i fell down on the road!! No idea how thou, Joel was sprinting till i cut into his lane, but end up, i'm the injured one. Faced with a never ending bleeding knee,my palm unable to face down and thousands of needles in my bone ~_~"
Kind of sad man, my day is spoiled, don't know whether i'm fit enough for sports day!
But HEY, no one is at fault, blame it on my stupidilty and dumbness.

RECESS !! FUN FUN FUN !!! As usual, naked party =)

PS: pardon me, i was trying to feel sexy in class :P

Took my oral test in class, only got 61/2 marks sia. haiz. have to buck up!

Finally , the finale was here! the performance! turn up ur volume speakers cause the school's sound systems actually sucks!

Everyone in the crew was treated KFC & pizza ! Free lunch! aww :P

Than one of the dumbest thing i guess i ever done in my life: Visit a so called 'huanted' house in DAYLIGHT. Damn stoopid man. When we reached the location , everyone was freaking out. Only me,yang,ong were complaining of the humid weather and the heatness!!
everyone there was busy scaring themselves with the slightest thing they found unusual.
I find it really stupid and decided to play some music on my portable speaker, and hell yah, it sure make the scene like a party !! hahahaha.

i Slalomed @ 7:09 PM

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Muhahaha!! started today with a bang! books and her =0
i thought my life was dull without skates, but today proves me wrong ! =D hahahah

Met Yenny , Lam , Ong and Yang @ dawson to practise dance.. yenny wore a damn tight jeans showing off her humps -.-" too bad jaqo wasnt there to admire it hahahah.
Stoopid yenny left so early, miss the fun.
Later on, Shafar,ahmar,jaqo,khai,faizal joined us!! and we practise all together. WAS TOTALLY FUN!!

DINNER @ Great World.
fuck sia, i got cheated! a cup of coke cost 2.50 at great world foodcourt le !! and the best thing is, NO ONE told me about it -_-" poor sinyang :P
After that, arcade time! jaqo,lam,me,sinyang,ong played DDR EXTREME!!! kinda fun. Lots of old memories for me.
I still remember 5 years back, Me,WingChu,Sebastian,Zijie,Kengyong would run to tiong bahru plaza and play DDR !!! we would like sit one corner and watch all those pros in action. haiz, miss the moments sia hahaha
SUDDENLY, we saw prisilla and she treat us 5 icecream!! how kind of her man, must be in the ONG's blood! ahhaha

Guess what, I'm on the Right of justin, yes. I'm actually TOO DARK to get capture in the photo zzz nnb. only can see my teeth sia(if you look closely) !!!!! -_-"

I don't know why i just love the cute expression of jaqo's face! just make me wanna shout BAGUA!

HAHAHAH . Look at how sexy i look in this photo!! muahhaha =/
in msn.
`kL SUPERBLaarrmm! says:
eh, u look kinda sexy eh!
shasha™ ` says:
`kL SUPERBLaarrmm! says:
no joke!

i Slalomed @ 10:32 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Been raining for 5 days now.
Havent got hold of my new skate.
havent got a chance to see sebastian !!!
She just doesnt believe me.

but SCHOOL JUST ROCKS !! =) ahahaha

i Slalomed @ 7:21 PM

Monday, April 03, 2006

PERSONAL achievement!!!!!!!!

Muahahah, Early morning first two periods FREE !! Mr Froggies didnt came to school =) During our P.E Lesson, We watch 5A run their 2.4 NAFA test. And hell yah! they sure did good.( top scorer is Welson 10.02secs)
We, 5B , told ourself that we must do better than them by 9+ mins !!!
And guess what, WE DID IT !!!!! 5 boys came in before 10mins. Me(9.22secs), KengLam (9.38secs), Mervin , Justin , Mr Pundek(i think). !! HAPPY SIA!!! we were all overjoyed by our performance lor. To me, its a personal achievement already.
NEVER in my life i ever came in even in 10mins+ !!! and this year, i made it @ 9.22 !! WOOT!
Cant stop smiling :P

Oh yah, In class, FARHANA turns me on all the time man!! shes such a seductive girl, cant keep my eyes off her =/ HAHAHAH !!!!

during assemby, was a great laugh man, hermy & jeffery, you really made my day!! Hhahaha

After school, time to practise our dance moves !! kinda went smoothly. The only thing happened was yenny & jacq's shakes !!!
It was astounding, bewildering, breathtaking !! The whole hall was staring at them shaking their BOOTY !! sexy mang ! boys cant take it, gals just admire them =/

sorry for the lagg!! i dun know why too :P

i Slalomed @ 7:22 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

yesterday was sure fun man!!!!

Went to Msia, watch fast cars @ sprint tracks , ate RAMLY ! And not to mention the number of times we get lost on the roads. gosh.

Me and my Bro's Supper snack !! @ 3am ? ><
Did i also mention that its DOUBLE BEEF PATTY SPECIAL ?? :D hahahah

i Slalomed @ 8:02 PM

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Morning , i went for scout, and its really unusual for me to wake up on my favourite saturday hence my sleepy face throughout my scouting life at this very saturday morning. fuked up. got scolded because of that too.

Afternoon!! Went to ECP, waiting for lex to go jogging. In the end, i wasted 2 hours of bus journey because he was in padang watching a event. HAIZ!!! life sucks without skating :P
Back home, i jioed 3 guys out for a jog, all busy sleeping at home zzz. Eventually i jogged 3km(think so) ALONE. in 12mins. Bathe and ready for my quake4-ing. BUT THIS HAPPEN!
Later @ night going to JB for my favourite DOUBLE BEEF SPECIAL RAMLY and watch fast cars in action :D!!!

Currently, am helping my brother to sell off his uberuber rare old school jordan shoes ^^
Anyone interested, drop me a pm on my msn, let me know yah =)my Fav.

Go ramly go ramly! Gonna feel real good, gonna make it real right. If you wanna make a world a better place, take a look at yourself and MAKE THE CHANGE!

i Slalomed @ 7:41 PM