MONDAY dark blues.
Great, my O level F&N research materials (diskette) has officially crashed on me! Giving me additional crap of stress!
Where got time to play q4 ?
where got time to slalom!?
Where got time to use comp ?
P.S : Im still doing the above.
how the heck are you suppose to do your research in such a short period of time!?
EXAM NEXT WEEK LE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-How I just wish I can take my bagua along east coast park and eat it all by myself. That would be like, SO COOL !
And veron designed this that made me laugh at the middle of the night ._
Exams drawing closer, teachers are stressing us, i cant slalom!, still in the process of doing my F&N coursework which is SUPPOSELY have been done.
And i'm hella glad to recieve this from big boss, kent. today =D
This is ICY COOL SABER, Wind's saber. *limited edition*
Damn rare lor, its really THAT sharp, can cut bagua anytime.
I got another 5 more sets of swords, but i'm not showing off here =/ hahahaha
Am going to frame it up after my examinations! thats for sure.
I finally found the MTV for the song of my life.
This was the song that brings me to tears whenever i think about the tragic incident happened few years back in my life.
The song that i sang, memorise every word, understood every word in the lyrics.
And for you to understand what i'm saying. WATCH THIS VIDEO, hear the lyrics.
White Lion - When the children cry
OH yeah, another MTV. I still remember during my childhood, evertime this song get played, everyone around me would start dancing and i would follow along too!! hahahaha (Sweet Child of Mine)
STUDY FOR YOUR MID YEAR GUYS ! its all work now, for a better future!
PS. that fucktard is copying me! zzzz