Friday, August 11, 2006
Yesterday, my brother , his gf and I went to Labrador park just to see the cats there. We have been there so often that we even know EACH of the cats name. ( we asked the auntie that were the 'in-charge' there ' Enjoy the pictures. The white cat is totally retard LOL .
Enjoy the pictures as usual.
Cat Name : Baby
Status : a retard

Cat Name : Lucky
Status : Super friendly cat

Cat Name : no idea.
Status : Super shy, but likes to headbutt people.

Now the best part. STEAMBOAT!
The original strength that actually planned to go for this outing was ALOTTTT of people. But only 10 turned up. cheessepie :D
1 gal dun come = another gal dun come = 1 boy dun come. MY GOODDDD . What the hell with all these people. Aren't we their friends?
Anyway, its freaking fun :)
Fireworks was pleasant lar, but nothing surprising. Probably because of the obstructed view we have.
Mervin ended up with a really bad stomachach. Main reason: he ate 4 steaks of pork in 1 go. The best part is .... Is not FULLY cooked !! HAHAHAHHAHA !!!

1 game = LOTS of spectators
Main reason is $$ !

Owning the road while the fireworks display in going on .

And nowwwww. Presenting. The bollywood star, the CHIDIAN , The one and only , THE man and The KIND.