Thursday, September 14, 2006
Yesterday went to ECP F1 carpark to feed stray cats with my brother and debbie.
My bro and his gf are like the greatest lover of pets ever! they are willingly to spend money and best of all, effort to even prepare the cat's food. Which is not cheap by the way.
And me? I love taking photographs of them.. ahahha very sexy. Esp with a good camera, but lousy photographer haha, HEY , i'm trying my best k :P
Meanwhile, Cute pictures again. Sorry, I just cant get enough of them. LOL
( sorry for the lame font n Chat bubbles, i was rushing =/ )

Old nano vs New Nano ~ hmmm ..
Difference in thickness . 0.01 mm !?!?
screen brighter ?? <- wth for ? we blind ? oHhh , pictures.
Longer batt life < - with screen brighter and more crap functions, DONT BLUFF LA ZZ
But seriously , it looks like a minified version of the Ipod mini. lolx