Monday, December 25, 2006
The festival of christmas in orchard.
All I saw were words on decor writing and SMSes " merry X'mas " and such.
I clearly don't hear the cheers and feel the joy -._
Most of the 'cheers' were the excitement of spraying form on people, other than that. non !?
There wasn't even an countdown !
Kinda sianz man, Ong told me that form were banned ? but its like EVERYWHERE ~!~
Blah.. sebei sianz ~
Pics proved it all.
Roads were shorten by 4 lanes to 3 lanes. hahaha

This happened EXACTLY at 12.00am

I don't wanna talk after the 'countdown' ~_~"
Lets skip to the presents ! hahahahah
Cute straw by Veron ~
hahaha thanks :D
Sony MDR 90EX (Korean Import) Original!!
by myself :)
First love with it once heard.

Nike 1972 .
BY my bro and debbie xD

Hahahah .. All-in-ONE bag by SinYang.
Damn creative ! ahhahahaha! very big thou . ^^

The almighty hand-held waterbottle by Justin.
Cute eh ? ~_~" hahahaha