Tuesday, February 20, 2007
just downloaded and installed this AWESOME GAME ..
GE. go find out about it yourself.
3days and i'm only level 28 :(
this game has a whole new game engine and its totally unique. thats what i'm in love with this.
guess my fwo days will be into this new game.... GE FTW !
and the best part of it is , you can play 3chars at the same time ! how fun is that!
you'll never have to find a party, although you still can find for party.
i can say that its somewhat on par with WoW !
Double click it for a much clearer view.
Fuk CNY, i'm spending my time on GE :)

Fuk CNY, i'm spending my time on GE :)
i Slalomed @ 3:13 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Muahahhaha !!!
Vday is one hell of a day :)
My 'plans' for her failed so badly ... and i blame weijie ! =/
okok . its partially my fault too . haahahaha
But i still like the outcome of the whole ' plan '
My brother bought 1kg of bakkwa for me... no either why too ... must be guity or something rite.. LOL
I finished 500g of it on the first night liao..
Something i noticed sia, the bakkwa actually tasted much nicer during this period
Its not so 'hard and chewy' that normal bakkwa has.. Instead its so full of fats oil(fatty) and some parts of it are just plain irresistible!

Oh yeah, i broke my computer chair -_-"
i blame the weakling char. hahahaha
now need to buy another ... :(

i Slalomed @ 3:20 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Muahhaha .
I'm finally feeling very confident that I'm able to get into the course of what I want.
And guess what ? I have 13th choice! :D
I thought nautical studies closed down this year, but lucky i went down to Singapore Polytechnic and check it out and only found out that they only allowed DAE ( direct admission excerise ) applications.
And of cause, I went to apply for it, that lecturer even gave me a scholarship form!! WOOTS :)
Here is my choices ! :)

i Slalomed @ 3:14 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Finally everybody is feeling my craze
As of today:
MZX: $38
XW: $38
LZY: $46

美福源 $43
Hohoho! i think hor, price will increase further . HAAHha

i Slalomed @ 6:48 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I declare mr Phanto a fuking geek.
JUST look at myself man.. sadded

i Slalomed @ 3:02 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
I was dead nervous when sited in the hall !
Damn hermy keep messing with my head also.. hahahaha
when it was my turn receiving the results right, I didn't cared what she was going to give me, but my marks instead, so I looked at her list and it states
16 ! i freaking jumped for joyed sia.
I heard 'how much how much how much " than i say 16 =/
Once gotten the results, i only looked at the subjects i scored and failed(none) .
Than later daryl looked at my results carefully and find its only 19 . !
AHAHAHA ... i happy for nothing sia... like self-pwn. :P
But still. I'm damn happy.
A1L1+R4+CCA = 14
Like you see, i concentrated on my main subjects only & F&N(cause easy to score)
But for some reason, i only got a C6 for my english sia. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for maths? i guess my hard work paid off :)
And for all you O level grads out there. Do a careful planning first before writing your 12 choices hor.
This is what i did to narrow my 11th list of choice.. Since my 1st is already marinetime.
I skipped RP thou, I don't plan to go there.
These are all the courses that I have slight/lots of interest of .

Cheers all
i Slalomed @ 8:12 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Omfg !
I just watched Saw3 at 2am last night after hearing the brief story life from mau and ong..
fuk sia.
after the 1st torture with the chains guy hor.. My whole body goes into the fever mode liao.
Than I cannot take it liao and alt F4 . !
After that I went to the fridge and take a mineral water to drink than walked incautiously to my TV and FAINT there ! I literally fell !
I fell forward with my knees touching the floor first than followed by my head.
My mind went blank with only the pictures of the cruel torture, all the screaming kept ringing in my head.
It took my like 15 minutes to recover from my subconscious mind, I was sweating all over.
After that , I stood up and gulp all the mineral water that is still in my hands.
I told myself not to be a pussycatdoll and continue watching the movie..
Of cause, this time I'm smarter :P i multi task while watching so that I would not be fully concentrating fully on the movie.
Moral of the story: I have a weak heart :P and SAW3 is definitely not for people like me .
i Slalomed @ 11:24 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
There are a few courses that i might want to take up in my poly life .. Thats IF i get into the IT side if I'm unable to get into marine time nautical studies.
- Macromedia flash ! ( very interesting program. 1 wrong mistake = whole project screwed )
- programming ! ( muahahha , a very geeky knowledge to obtain or even to learn )
- International certificated first aid course. ( i think its a valuable skill to learn, for the future and also in inline skating )
Haiz... That will only happen that I have the $$ to do so. :)
Is there a point in your life that you feel down in life and wants to share it to someone ? but doubts it really helps.
Like who the hell would be interested to listen to your problems when they themselves are always troubled with something else.
BLAH> enough of my time. Time for some warsow gaming !
PS: http://www.warsow.net/ !
i Slalomed @ 3:18 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me! He who died,
Heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me! loves me still,
When I'm very weak and ill;
From His shining throne on high,
Comes to watch me where I lie.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me! He will stay,
Close beside me all the way;
He's prepared a home for me,
And some day His face I'll see.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
i Slalomed @ 3:54 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
feeling very down lately.
Fuck this and that. _|_
i Slalomed @ 2:21 AM