Wednesday, March 28, 2007
the power of edmwrish english and gayness .. all in oneee ~~~

i Slalomed @ 5:41 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
yes yes....
finally i found a great wallpaper and theme...
Click for a clearer/bigger view.

ALL reading this post should post their own desktop in your own blogs. ty !
i Slalomed @ 2:31 AM
Monday, March 26, 2007
ok .. First of all , You guys might see me as emotional in this post. bear with me !
have you guys ever wonder why in secondary school we did stuff like
the purpose class t-shirts
inter-class competitions
sec 1,2,3 class camps
class gatherings
Isn't it suppose to be building bonds within classmates?
But just look at the situation now, yes NOW.
Everyone is leading their own life now ...
Come to think of it, why did i waste my time on participating at such events, seems like its only 'temporarily' friendship we build.
Take a look at yourself, How many true friends do you have in school? well, to me, i can count with only 1 hand ~ but im not complaining ~
I don't know about you all , but to me , friendship is like very important than me .
I can be single forever ~ i dun gib a fark
but friends ? Ahhh , never can survive without them.
Maybe its all time we move on with life ?
With the same friendship we have in the past carry on ? Or will it be like the same like primary school's friends ( **GONE** )
Ahhhh :(
Wadever it is. Health,family,friends and life . is what I treasured the most.
i Slalomed @ 12:03 AM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Good advertisement !

you got to admit .... she brightens up your day man ... hahahah !
this is farked up man , wednesday i top up $10 in my damn ez link ... and today left -0.45 !!
I need help~~~~~ haahhaha
Lets talk about my career options.
SP. Computer Engineering.
AIMS: GOING TO BE TOP 5% / 10% in my course. Will do it, Must do it!
not to mention NS after poly -_-"
Than can go uni(NUS/NTU) and pursue my degree in Computer Engineering!
I don't think its going to be an easy task in poly, lots of tards around stealing my top5% :~
No offense to them thou , like what my brother's philosophy. To each his own~
Trust no one, fuk no one , screw no one , karma baby !
I'm waiting for my dream in life to come true ~
Where i sit in office, work , teach part-time @ skateline ( yup, will still do it ! )
And my 3k salary comes to meeeeee.
Driving a civic Eg6 . ( else a sports bike )
My room with my painting,my design,my techs.
And hopefully with Merilyn** as my wife :P
Maybe I have too high hopes, but i think its realistic .
Nothing comes easily, not even transport now ><
i Slalomed @ 2:11 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm too lazy to give an review on 1 litre of tears anyway.
Go download and watch yourself ~
After days of researching and stuff , im very happy with my laptop choice >:D hahah
my brother finally got his new toy !
a 1/5 buggy !
Runs on patrol , exhaust louder than my brother's car, able to play anywhere sand,grass,mud,land,school hall :D
freaking shok sia.. even watching it gives me the thrills already..
But this is a freaking expansive car ~_~" like 1k+ if you buy from US..
but he bought from china with his group of friends and its like sooooooooooo cheap!
this buggy rawks !
12000rpm , 23 cc! and weighs over 12kg+ ~

And we broke the car's main support frame on the first day because too fast to control liao, today. How fun !
i Slalomed @ 1:46 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews:
- Economic -- "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."
- Chosen People -- "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."
- Scapegoat -- "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."
- Deicide -- "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."
- Outsiders, -- "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)
- Racial Theory -- "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race."
So amazing eh ..
Heard discussion from the forums about the 'lame' movie of borat but interesting it brings many facts/truth about how people respect different cultures in US.
Thank god for the muti-racial Singapore !
come to think of it, borat is a good movie! Its just very different from the other comedians like mr bean n etc~
At least the hidden messages that he tries to bring across are quite fruitful ~
so now i know the reason why Europe hated the jews so much LOL !
But it still amazes me that they still judge people from the faults of their ancestors ~ blahh hahaha
Sharing Is Care
the movie 300 ost soundtracks. very nice! so smoothing, gives you the 'war effect' ahhahaha
Download it from HERE.
I almost finish watching the full episode of 1 litre of tears now ...
Now left the last episode(11) of it ...
Will give my review on it after I watch it ;
i Slalomed @ 5:35 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
ok before i start this post.
I just wanna say that when he was drunk , he was such a cutie LOL !!!

Most of you guys only have problems such as not getting in your preferred course/school/appealing and etc.
But for me, its only one !
Although for most people, paying tertiary fees aren't so much of a problem to your problem but for mine, its like the whole world already.
Just how fortunately people are ...
Honestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything on GE and etc.
Who do I actually blame for the situation I'm currently in, i guess its totally my fault.
Its my fault for not working hard enough during the holidays.
Its my fault for staying at home and playing GE, i could have started work somewhere somehow!
Its my fault for breaking my computer chair, that reflects on the time i spend on my computer !
I reap what i sow~
And I confirmed with the people in SP and websites that its a must have to own a notebook PC for all year 1 students.
Now that freaking crappy, don't know exactly why but the reason they gave was
" We're moving everyone into Knowledge-Based Economy "
Now that adds up to my pile of $$ . STILL GOT SCHOOL BOOKS and TRANSPORT -_-
Just watch rocky balboa yesterday and a interesting quote from it.
" Its not about how you get hit in life, but its about how you take the hit and MOVE forward! "
but in this case, how can you move forward when its not allowing you too ? :(
I'm crazy in love with Nelly Furtado, the sexy Portuguese~
You got to admit, her songs are now freaking hot too !
All good things( come to an end )
Say it right
In God's hands
No Hay Igual
Man... i love her ! everyday :x

ok, its 3.50am now. Time to sleep :(
i Slalomed @ 3:19 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
My closed beta trial is ending on the 19th !
and open beta is only opening on the mid of april ! wtf am i going to do in between ._.
Theres an closing party at cinileisure on the 18th . I really want to go and check it out.
But all my pals from the game are from msia :'(
I don't wanna go alone, so boring :x
Oh , there seemed to be another slalom competition on the 22nd of april but unfortunately, it looked like no one is taking part, not even team mirco as they are the organizers :(
Should I train for it? Haiz... Kinda sad that the slalom community in singapore is like soo .... dead ;x
Oh ya, Just watch 300 yesterday with the guys yesterday.
Now lets me give a little insight about the show ..
Its basically the greeks vs the Persians . before christ i guess lol
So its only Violence and sex .
300 greeks set out towards north to pursuit their freedom and its like 300greeks vs THOUSANDS of crazy biatchs and immortals .
Very very good movie if you're looking for some serious old school fighting with a spear and armor.
BUT. other than fighting, its boring :P
The movie definitely deserves good picture award ! it makes the fighting/the blood/the skies looks so good. hahah
i Slalomed @ 4:55 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Muahahha !
My guild , Yakisoba .
1st guild to reach lvl100 ~ ...
This guild sure opened my eyes into the true colours of a hardcore gamer.

Freaking nuts guild, top in GE and even the guild leader has a duel screen just for GE !
which means he plays 6 characters at one time ! thats nuts hahaha .
Lets talk about the current situation of my life. Basically split into two parts, GE and skating.
I've never leader such a good life before ;P Of cause there are some side effects as well =/
recommend all to watch the pursuit of happiness(movie) !
Its really a heart warming story but only one fault, THE ENDING FREAKING SUCKS!
I was like HUH !?! hahaha.
blahh , no mood to blog ... laters
i Slalomed @ 8:58 PM