Sunday, July 29, 2007
another great show .. and great actress ! :D

i Slalomed @ 8:55 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
too much events happening recently!
freaking happening ! xD
Dance + skate + School projects + Amaths chimology fuk up stuff!! + work
I like !!!!
At least everything I'm doing now is what i really want..
Except for the Maths part.
and my phone's camera REALLY BROKE down liao..
this time no joke :P
so , doubt there will be any pictures posted here ... ahah
Recently noticed the change of behavior of my classmates. Some really fug up sia, really dun feel like studying because of them.
i Slalomed @ 12:47 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
an in the WORLD
too much things to talk about ..
so i guess im too lazy to blog now hahha
FIONA XIE 5th !! in FMH top 100 sexiest woman in the WORLD
I'm buying the magazine man ... .
fuking jade sia is no2 ._."

i Slalomed @ 7:16 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
bday was rather fun :D
didnt knew people remembered my bday , when i didn't even talked bout it . Was quite grateful about that. :)
on sunday~
ok firstly, buffet @ suki sushi @ lot 1 ~
Was quite sad that most of the classmates cant turn up .. didnt really like sushi thou .. hahaha this is like 40 pieces of sashimi ! looks more like 2 raw fish sliced up badly sia . doesnt really taste nice, maybe because i dun know how to appreciate ba

chitchat, djmaxing till yux finally brought up his mighty uber present !
its freaking amazing on how he wrap it up :D didnt know a guy could wrap till this good ..
Forgive the ribbons on the right hand side, it came off ;x
For those who thinks the waist watch is familiar , its actually the STATE ALCHEMIST waist watch sia !! damn cool ! .:. from the anime FMA

will post the insides at the end of this post.

redbean with muah chi with vanilla and waffle.
really shoik combo sia...

And what better way to end the day with this ..

AND i fall and dislocated my shoulder !!!
I installed shouted " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH pain pain pain pain shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder "
Really cannot even feel my left arm sia, like dropped out of my body or something, bone structure out of shape >< .. really freaking. Although my bro was there ready to push the bone back to my shoulder but lucky it went back in somehow when i straighten my arm.. ahhaha Thank god for this day. But now im really feeling my left shoulder damn weak, as if theres no muscles on it like that.
movement limited , cant train handstand, cant really hiphop , BEtter not skate again ... Shesssshhhh :'(
something that mybro and me did. A heel powerslide and a fastwheel by me snapshotted it from video ~ powerr riteee ;x

now , presents !
THANKS BRO and debbie !!!!
:D ahah

Thanks yux!
Loved it man! esp your talent in wrapping ;x
i lub the waist watch alot ... really really damn cool . hahaha

i Slalomed @ 4:10 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
yesterday we wanted to watch transformers at cinileisure but in the end, all the shows are like fully book except for the mid night shows... O.o hmmmmmmmm
Than we got bored and wanted to try the cosafe maid cafe @ chjimes ..
End up slighty disappointed ..

my caramel latte

what do i think about the 10% service charge and the 7% gst on top of it ?

The girl beside ong and lam was the one that served us ..
Her name : Mini
Really can act like Japaneses sia !
when i asked her whether is she from japan , she said no ~_~
Than I continue to ask her, Malaysia ? she said no ~_~
And again , Thailand ? she said no ~_~
eventually i gave up ! and she said from china sia !!!
Really sweet girl :) very gentle , soft and everything you see on TV about Japanese's house wife.
But the girl beside me very act cute ;x hahaha

i lub slaloming in cool !! hahah . canteen's floor damn nice to skate also haha

i Slalomed @ 8:22 PM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
ahh , my 200th post

Just got back some of my MST papers..
Quite funny results ~_~
the 2 china guys in my class scored 90+ for both maths and engineering paper sia ..
So freaky ._."
Today went running again with yux :D
This time he really improved lots !!
From 4 rounds to 10rounds ;D
at least he completed 4km ~! quite proud of him ...
Completed 20 pull ups also... freaking shack sia .. now arms so weak :(
BODY TRAINING [ 1.1% completed ] long wayy
AND again , on the way back home saw this cat sleeping :D
LOl man .. he must be dreaming of fiona xie as well !

i Slalomed @ 6:41 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
time to record down my expenses ! ~
i feel i've been losing way too much money in my whole life man ..
Yes , I'm working .. but i seriously don't see where is the money heading to !!!
damn ~

i Slalomed @ 1:48 AM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
i find this photo funny ._.
Here goes the story..
seba , the guy on the left , was busy playing cs with bots on the comp -_-"
I was so tired of watching him play and decided to koon on kengyong's bed..
Than i was K.O ( knockout ) :P
Than don't know why the hell seba slept beside me , he most likely wanted the bed badly as well hahaha !!
1 bed, 2guys , sleeping so awweird . hahah ~ ( i was really sleeping and dreaming of fiona xie again ~ )

LOL! ..
If i
i Slalomed @ 1:36 AM