Tuesday, October 30, 2007
SP E-learning week !
Alot of biatches complained that the assignment and etc is so tight and etc but than again, how often do they actually spend time doing it ? 2 hrs and its done ? more like more hours spent on surfing internet rather than doing the work itself.
nonsense sia.
Finally reaching into Seconday year in SP. This is where the fun begins for me, been waiting for this modules ever since i step into SP, Computer Security and networking ... fun fun :D
Ohyeah, got really bored during maths lessons and decided to write my name using my lefthand, farking hard sia. When i reach end of the line, i sweat abit.. ~
I think i've used up my brain power just to write on my left hand .. ~!_~ hha

i Slalomed @ 1:47 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Today was rather fun as well..
Decided last minutes to take Lockin' course @ Oschool .. got influence by Vincent >: D
I really hope i go far with locking and bboying :D
But than again, that comes with tons and tons of practise... !! can i do it ? hmmm
is spending the amount of money for dancing lesson worth it ?
But money is already spent, have to make good use with it. :D
now i cant work on saturdays because of dance lessons liao ... :'(
i Slalomed @ 9:04 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
haha .. dance @ e splanade rocks !
first time seeing all the poly dance groups come together and have fun!
saw mervin the bitch also ... ^^
saw almost every poly group except nra .. haha..
loved Gin's choro

oh yah.. Bday present for weijie.. one of my classmate.. haha
mag + condom wrapped in newspaper + lubricant wrapped in newspaper.

so much thing to blog , but so little time... ~_~
Hate school timings.. knn start @ 8am, end at 5pm ~_~ like office hours ...
got paslar malam in SP !! a real one... but with a little HIP-ness in it..
got concert with bands and etc .. hahaha
bought myself a addidas shoe and T-shirt.. FARking happy !
i was like smiling all the way when i bought them sia.. so damn worth it ..
i Slalomed @ 1:00 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sch -> dance/skate -> supper -> sleep
hahha ... I love this life =x
i Slalomed @ 1:17 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The photoshop for waves12
First time see the people in SDZ so hip ... !!!!
now i cant wait for my individual photo shoot to come out ;D

i Slalomed @ 1:09 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Just loook at his face ~_~

Today i feel so sad..
Just because I traveled to ECP and it rained zzzz hence no money for me :(
and it rained for a good 1 hour !
Anyway, we went to explore wingchu's new block :D
Very nice sia... got space to skate.. void deck like carpark like that T_T

DAY 1 of sleeping ... ~_~

Day 2 zz

is it really comfortable to sleep in underwear in a void deck in public.. i mean, its like SO Expose !
Project Potato Gun in progress !! :)
OH yeah, Just joined yoga classes in school for free.. under extra programs ...
So excited about it.. .Thinking about the chicks, the stretching , the pleasure :D
Ooooooo... cant wait.. hahahah
No more learning yoga online, time for the real stuff :D

i Slalomed @ 12:33 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
This month is the best time of my year...
totally happening stuff xD
and also spent the most this month!
Its like .. what the fark am i working for ? I'm like losing money every month and I thought working helps !
Lets see how i fare during the previous months..
Month of JulyTotal expenditure: $438.85
Total amount worked: $285
Month of AugustTotal expenditure: $334.50 ( lowest so far :D)
Total amount worked: $285
Month of September.
Total expenditure: $825.30 (WTFFFF)
Total amount worked: $720
Yes, i record what and how much i spend daily. Sounds tiring but trust me, its really shocking !!!
But than again , i spent 70% on food and snacks , should spend more time at home rather than outside. save money this way?

Right after lesson, went to hunt for her all around school.. from foodcourt 6 to foodcourt 1 to foodcourt 4, finally found her at convection!!
Kinda stupid la, walk all around her with my whole class !! hahahah but they were not as excited as me -_-" except for yux thou, he was such a bee. Buzzing me with scenarios like, What if Fiona Xie is a racist?, what happened if Fiona Xie kissed you in the cheek, You should ask Fiona Xie to sign your T-shirt and than don't wash it ever again and ETC ~_~
okok, let me start my journey on the quest of having Fiona Xie take photo with me.
In summery: I got rejected TWICE~~~ but in return, got something even better than i expected
1st case: She just finished filming and moving on to the next location.
It was the PREFECT timing to asked her for a photograph but instead, i stood there so dazzled looking into her till I lost my balls to asked her..
SHE WAS LIKE 30cm away from me !!!!!!
This was when she was filming.

This photo was when she was posing for my camera !!! ( okay , i lost the photo zzzz )
I believed so becauses one of her eye was looking right in my camera !!! ( damn ben )

2nd case: when she was filming openly in the convection centre. Again, they finished filming and were moving on into the next location. I finally picked up my balls that yux and the rest of my classmates were pestering me about... and jumped into the crew of mediacorp workers.
I was like " last photo , last photo " * happily holding my camera*
Than no one heard me -_-"
and guess what , that was in front of everyone!!! They went "awwwwwwwwwww ~~ "
I immediately bow my head and walked about into the shelter :(
wasn't humilated , was just sad that they didn't hear me...
3rd Case(best part): The whole crew went Foodcourt 4 to eat KFC and of cause I followed her :P
I sat 2 tables beside her.
This time I had a good chance!
So i went up to the table full of cameraman,ben and the other guys and asked for a photo with Fiona Xie in Chinese .
Fiona Xie looked me right in the eye and said "Later can? eating now , sorry"
That was an instant heart killer man .
THAT moment I knew that i had accomplished 70% of my dream. ( im smiling and typing this at the same time :D )
Well, the 100% was taking a photo with her thou.
THANKS CLASS 1A23 !!! for your " SHA go le !! sha wheres your balls, sha you useless le" and yux & michael for the constant biatching zz .. haha
She put on too much makeup on the day liao :(

These three pictures were taken from clubsnap

And Fiona Xie: if you so happen to see this, i lub you :D just loved your smile man ..
i Slalomed @ 12:07 AM