Wednesday, November 14, 2007
stop blogging for a while.. shifting to new blog site and want to create something new :D
busy with mst2 and waves12 also >< mann ..
i Slalomed @ 12:18 AM
Monday, November 05, 2007
time to study liao mst2 is coming !!
been dancing the whole e-learning week out .. time for some serious studies man..
While walking back home with 5 dollars in hand.. hungry and don't know what to buy..
I got into serious thinking to what should i get and finally came to this :D shoikkk!!

i think im getting addicted to downloading..
yes downloading.. ~~!
with such speeds, HOW TO RESIST ???? :x

i Slalomed @ 9:46 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Phew... Finished half of my E-learning shyt today..
Oh yeah...
How about a little dressup for halloween ? hahahah
Cheap budget!! Blanket:5.90 Mask:$2 Wig:$5 ?

My brother just gave me a new curfew -_-
damn ... im farking 18th already!! So what if I've done something stupid for 1 night ? that doesn't men i won't learn from my mistake and continue doing stupid stuff right..
" its for own good ? " ya right , like its helping me in any way??
Yesterday stayed over at clubhouse after dance practice overnight.
Watched Hills have eyes 2 tght and saw SP dance's history photos.
Quite sad that some seniors have to leave after this year. Don't know what will the club looks like when the new juniors come in .. hmmm .. that what makes CCA FUN ! hahaha
i Slalomed @ 1:02 AM