I must be able to clean up my damn study table. Its more like a freaking scrap yard! Not to mention the nagging from my mum.( but there is still no way that I am able to study at home) Just look at my junk.
Buy USEFUL assignments books for buck up for my O level.
Get 15 points for O level.
I must take an ICP course and become a skateline part time instructor
Hopefully be able to earn enough money for my poly courses and etc through my part time instructor =).
By 2009.
Attain a car driving licenses.
Attain a bike driving licenses.
Hopefully got enough $$ to buy a bike.
I dont want to plan that far yet. A step at a time. hahaha… achievable? YUP! Most probably, realistic targets. So what now? STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY!
I’m going to freaking uninstall my stupid WARCRAFT, damn DOTA is ju
st too addictive and a waste of time.
Take a look at ong’s big splash! ( SEXY SIA !! ) hahahahah
the Teacher that left the boys gone wild =/
Mr low doing some ‘encouragement talks’ in the class. ( hes married! )
Jeremy’s study bed. YES, his books is UNDER his bed and he is sleeping ABOVE his books. That explains his great knowledge! What a genius !