Morning went to Mdm Yeos geography lesson. Kinda bored la. But eventually its a meaningful lesson. Stole the AVTs clock =x and place it somewhere else. Hahahah
Time to shower?
Went back home, took my skates and went to meet up with the punks at the bustop.
FOR THE FIRST TIME, Mervin was only 7 mins late! Thats a freaking achievement liao. I told yang to wear something decent but he turned up with PE shirt and a bball pants. Sheeesshhh . hahahaha
In SBS 196, we laughed so damn loud due to some nonsense from Mervin; guess hes a natural born joker man. Truly talented. Take a look at this picture. Notice almost everyone is turning their heads and looking at us ? noised up the bus for 1 hour bus ride. =D
Reached ECPs macdonal liao. Wasted 7 dollars on the stoopid meal, eventually my meal was 30% eaten up by Mervin. As expected lar. Maurice & ahTAN & pundek came like 1 hour after sia, which means 2 hours late -_- Why cant we just turn up on time? Habit? Routine? Tradition? Pengz
My mood was spoilt by someone at first, but I didnt want to voice out, dont want to spoil the atmosphere. =)
OKKKK !!! here comes the Best part. CHEERs, Pictures describes a thousand words.
Getting Gear up.
And guess what, when we starting cycling/skating. this freaking 2 monkeys went HYPER and cycled on the footpath instead, Not only that, THEY went on the grass too... LOL ! yang&pundek