Tuesday, August 22, 2006
My mood is soooo dependent on my ICP results which is going to be reveal this coming Friday.
Thought it is suppose to be OUT last Sunday. -_-" they lost the exams papers. zzzzzzzz
samsung D830 ._. How would you even DARE to go skate with this? lol

I know where should i spend my money in the next coming months. I DONT MIND WAITING :D

4.1 megapixel camera with up to 20x digital zoom
2-stage capture key for autofocus control
2.5 inch camera viewfinder in landscape orientation and with active toolbar
Slide for camera protection and activation
Integrated flash (operating range up to 1m)
Modes: auto, off, on, red-eye reduction
Advanced camera modes: still, sequence, video
SOng ???
CCB, my fuking indian neighbours just stole my SLIPPERY(GLOBE) !!